Application of Commercial Concrete in Construction and Concreting Services

Commercial concrete is the art of constructing big structures and business facilities like retail stores, restaurants, warehouses and industrial buildings. The project at hand will determine the kind of concrete works you want to use, the concrete demand in the commercial constructions is very different as compared to a residential structure. The difference in commercial and residential concrete work is brought about by stability and vigour. Below are some of the concrete work offered by concreting services for commercial concrete construction;

  • Normal strength concrete
  • High-strength concrete
  • High-Performance concrete

The above commercial concrete works can be discussed as follows;

1.  Normal Strength Concrete Application in Commercial Concreting Services

Also referred to as normal-weight concrete, it is said to have a decent strength that makes it the most used concrete in the construction of walls, skyscrapers and buildings. The preparation process involves mixing of regular cement with water and aggregates.

The mixture is left to settle for one and a half hours or more depending on the elements found in cement. This type of concrete construction from concreting services is gaining popularity because it has numerous applications.

2.  High-strength Concrete Application in Commercial Concreting Services

This kind of concrete works is used in commercial areas where heavier loads are expected. The ratio of water to cement is lower with the addition of admixtures and high quality of aggregates to make it stronger. The mixture is left to unravel for a longer time compared to normal strength concrete. Concreting services apply this type of concrete construction in construction of bridges, foundations and shears.

Application of Commercial Concrete in Construction and Concreting Services

3.  High-Performance Concrete Application in Commercial Concreting Services

Concreting Services use high-performance concrete in the application of large pillars, facades and warehouses. High-performance concrete is steady and stronger than high-strength concrete and more durable.

Benefits of Commercial Concrete Application by Concreting Services

Are you thinking of having a commercial concrete facility? Then ensure to use commercial concrete and you will have the following benefits:

  • Commercial concrete is affordable and economical. It is believed to be one of the most cost-effective and efficient means when constructing a commercial building which is energy efficient.
  • Commercial concrete is readily available. This means it can be accessed by anyone in need of construction.
  • Commercial concrete can be shaped as per the required design. This means it has no limits to shapes and sizes, you can also achieve any structure depending on the architectural images.
  • Commercial concrete is strong and durable. No one wants to have a weak structure which is also not durable. You can reinforce commercial concrete with steel to have a strong durable structure that can hold heavy loads.
  • Commercial concrete is fire resistant. Fire may occur in facilities at some point but with commercial concrete, you are assured of fire-resistant. The fire can be contained and prevent it from spreading further to other areas.


Always have a clear mind of the type of concrete work that will suit your structure. This will help you in knowing the safety measures of the people who will be around your structure and also the maintenance cost. And it is better and safer to hire experts in concrete services to do the work for you.